How To Use Facebook Reaction Buttons On Mobile And Pc? and What Are The Reactions Avilable? [FreeSV]

 Today, Facebook is taking the wraps off what form the new Like may take. It is rolling out “Reactions,” a new set of six emoji that will sit alongside the original thumbs-up to let users quickly respond with love, laughter, happiness, shock, sadness and anger.

Can't figure out how to use or see Facebook's new reaction emoji? If they aren't working for you, we've got everything you need to know about using and viewing the new Like button emoji on iOS, Android and desktop computers.

According to Facebook, using their new reaction emojis is really simple. The feature is being rolled out to all iOS and Android and desktop users over the next few days. Here’s how it works:
  •  Go to a post you want to react to on Facebook.
  •  Press and hold down on the “Like” button.
  •  A popup drawer with the six reaction emoji should appear.
  •  Tap on the reaction you want to use.
  •  Once you’ve selected your reaction, let go and it will be posted.

  •  Go to a post you want to react to on Facebook.
  • Hover over the “Like” button.
  •  A popup drawer with the six reaction emoji should appear.
  • Click on the one you want to use
  •  Once you’ve selected your reaction, let go and it will be posted.

How To Use Facebook Reaction Buttons On Mobile And Pc? and What Are The Reactions Avilable? [FreeSV] How To Use Facebook Reaction Buttons On Mobile And Pc? and What Are The Reactions Avilable? [FreeSV] Reviewed by FreeSV on 6:41:00 PM Rating: 5

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